Function Of Departments


Function of Departments

Administration Department
Looks after the day to day administration of the Council, including the planning and coordination, recruitment of Council staff as well as providing a meeting secretariat, supervise and coordinating the computer system and ICT.

Engineering Department

Responsible for matters on buildings and building plans, construction and maintenance of roads and drains, maintenance of street lighting, regulation of traffic light systems and properties of the Council including office buildings and staff quarters. All development projects are undertaken by this department. It also runs a workshop which looks after a fleet of Council’s vehicles and machinery.

Treasury Department

Responsible for all financial and accounting matters.

Rating And Valuation Department

Responsible for the referencing of properties and the collection of assessment rates.

Public Cleansing and Maintenance Section
Responsible for public cleansing and desludging, public toilets, poor burial, removal and disposal of refuse, control of unlicensed dogs and stray animals.

Landscaping Division

The Division undertakes landscaping and town beautification works as well as the maintenance of parks, children playgrounds and recreational areas. Matters on booking on the use of public parks, MCC's Padang and decoration/rental of potted plants services also come under this Division..

Laws And Contracts Division

Responsible for the laws of enforcement to ensure vendors trading activities and small business in council areas are under control and property besides regulated enforcing the By laws and regulations of the council.

Public Health Section

In charge of public sanitation, prevention and control of communicable diseases, vector control, abatement of public nuisances and food sampling. Licensing of trades as well as management of markets, hawkers centres and slaughter houses are being dealt with through this section. The section works closely with other government departments like the Department of Health and the Environment Division of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment.

Car Park Section
Responsible for the control of public car parking places gazetted under Council.

Miri Public Library

Provision and maintenance of library services as well as promoting educational activities.

Enforcement Section

To ensure public places in particular the markets, five-foot-ways, pedestrian mall, housing estates areas are free from illegal trading activities. They also control on the erection of advertisement banners in public places.

Public Relation Section

The Section was officially launched by Tuan Resident of Miri Division, YBhg. Encik Denys Langs on 8 January 1997. This Section is responsible in handling press release, entertaining public complaints and serving as the Council’s information center.

Sustainable Development Goals Section

Responsible to conduct and monitor the execution of green community and environment development activities to ensure the developments are executed effectively.