Introduction To Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)


Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)


“We Will Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 In Miri City”


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal set of goals, targets and indicators that UN member states have committed to use to frame both domestic and international development policies over the next 15 years. They build upon the progress of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which were agreed by governments in 2001 and expired in 2015. While the MDGs focused on reducing extreme poverty in all its forms, the SDGs pursue a broader agenda that encompasses the social, environmental and economic aspects of sustainable development, which is relevant for all countries worldwide.

While the MDGs focused on reducing extreme poverty in all its forms, the SDGs pursue a broader agenda that encompasses the social, environmental and economic aspects of sustainable development, which is relevant for all countries worldwide.

The SDGs are at the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was ratified by all UN member states at the 2015 United Nations General Assembly. Their 17 goals and 169 targets address critical issues facing the world today, including the eradication of extreme poverty, tackling global inequality and climate change, promoting sustainable urbanization and industrial development, protecting natural ecosystems, and fostering the growth of peaceful and inclusive communities and governing institutions. A set of 231 indicators has also been developed to measure progress on SDG goals and targets, within and across countries.


  • Minimising the release of greenhouse gases which directly contribute towards global warming and air pollution.
  • Emphasis on eco-friendly building and development practices like green architecture
  • Emphasis and implementation of renewable energy sources like the sun, wind, water, etc
  • Preservation of natural resources while respecting and protecting natural habitats of life forms and organisms
  • Containing the rate of consumption from surpassing that of production of renewable sources as well as that of salvation.
  • Promoting environment-friendly and biodegradable products, while also making sustainable planning for replacement or replenishment of resource usage


Initiative 1: Providing Solutions for Disaster Preparedness

Our Vision

Provide products and services to help improve disaster resilience, and collaborate with stakeholders on realizing a safer, more secure world.


Initiative 2: Contributing to Health and Welfare

Our Vision

Provide high-quality nursing care and healthcare services, and implement projects that promote health and welfare with the aim of creating a society where all people are able to lead a fulfilling life.

Initiative 3: Promoting the Manageability of Global Environmental Issues

Our Vision

Contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity conservation, and other global environmental goals by working through our value chain and providing new solutions.

Initiative 4: Empowering Community and Society

Our Vision

Through community outreach and initiatives in culture and the arts, improve the lives of people in local communities and become their most trusted corporate citizen.


Initiative 5: Supporting Diversity and Inclusion in Private and Public Life

Our Vision

Respect the human rights and individuality of all stakeholders, supporting them in their pursuit of professional and personal development.