Miri Smart City Proof Of Concept


Miri Smart City Proof of Concept

Miri Smart City Proof of Concept

The Miri Smart City Proof of Concept (POC) initiative was initiated in September 2019 with the first initial discussion held on 13 September 2019 between Miri City Council (hereinafter referred to as “MCC”) and Sarawak Information Systems Sdn. Bhd. (hereinafter referred to as “SAINS”).

    The Yang Amat Berhormat Chief Minister of Sarawak has in principle approved the proposal of SAINS to implement the Miri Smart City Proof of Concept, inline with the Digital Economy initiative.  In this connection, SAINS has conducted the initial study and identified the current needs of Miri City via the two workshops:

    Workshop 1: 12th December 2019 (Gathering requirements from Councillors, MCC Officers and Agencies Officers)

    Workshop 2: 6th January 2020 (Proposal presentation and finalizing the solutions).

    Following that, the scope of the project based on the outcome of the mentioned two workshops was presented to Miri City Council (hereinafter referred to as “MCC”) on 30th January 2020 for acceptance and a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed between MCC and SAINS to jointly embark on the POC officially.

    The following are the solution components of the Miri Smart City Proof of Concept (MSCP):

    4.1.          Digital Signage

    4.1.1.     In their effort to improve the information delivery, MCC will implement Digital Signages (DS) to allow prompt, accurate and effective delivery of information through online digital multimedia channels.  In this initiative, outdoor LCD screens will be mounted on the wall or columns of the public food stalls, or structures at the pedestrian walkways in the city.

    4.2.          Safe City & Safe Park

    4.2.1.     MCC will improve the safety and security of the City Centre and Community Parks.  Other than the general visual surveillance (SV), Face Recognition (FR) and Vehicle Tracking (VT) are among the technologies to be deployed.  The Face Recognition surveillance technology will assist law enforcers to identify and track individuals from the crowd, while the Vehicle Tracking surveillance technology will assist the law enforcers to track and recover missing vehicles.  In addition to that, smart pole with panic button and surveillance cameras are to be implemented to complement the mentioned surveillance systems to aid in public safety.

    4.3.          Smart Drain

    4.3.1.     Miri has high number of flood cases that required utmost attentions.  MCC is looking into data collection by locating the Smart Pole with Water Level Sensor and Cameras at several Main Water Channel and Rubbish Trap.  The collected data will be used to determine the rectification works to be done at the affected area or along the Main Water Channel.  The Smart Pole is also equipped with Siren and Strobe Light that will be automatically activated if the water level rises to certain threshold.

    4.3.2.     This serves as an alert system to the Public, allowing them to act early in the hope to reduce the losses.  The Public will be equipped with a Mobile Apps that allows them to view the current water level at the Smart Poles at selected location in Miri.

    4.4.          Smart Bus

    4.4.1.     Smart Bus is designed to improve the Public Transportation Service in Miri by Digitalization.  This app enables the public to access the City Bus Service through mobile apps enabling them to plan their city journey more efficiently.  Public is able to view the current location of the bus, number of seats available and pay the fare by using SarawakPay.  On the other hand, MCC is able to monitor the number of passenger and popularity of route, thus justify the need of upgrading the facility if required.

    4.5.          Smart Truck

    4.5.1.     Smart Truck is designed to improve the Miri waste management service.  This apps enables public within a specified zone to know the schedule of garbage collection for their area.  In addition to that, public is able to view the estimated time of arrival of the garbage truck at the area of collection by zone.

    4.5.2.     A dashboard camera will also be installed to monitor the bin placement by the resident during the Waste Collection activity.  The movement of the truck will also be recorded.  The collected data would then be used to plan for an optimized waste collection frequency and area.  Also, the performance of the waste collection contractor could be accurately evaluated.

    4.6.          Smart City App

    4.6.1.     It is a software solution (i.e. a mother app) to accommodate all the app relevant to Miri.  The relevant App to be populated base on the credential of the users.

    4.7.          Miri CARES

    4.7.1.     Miri CARES is a Case Tracking System (CTS) with features that are able to handle complaints and requests directed to the Command Centre, from various channels such as phone, email, mobile apps, messaging apps and social media. It is designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of case monitoring from the time of a case is reported until it is solved by various service providers.

    4.8.          Miri Tourism

    4.8.1.     Miri Tourism allows Mirians to publish social events which are run in Miri and also allows tourists to explore the attractions, accommodation, local favorite food and finding souvenir in Miri.

    4.9.          eLA2

    4.9.1.     Computerised building application and approval processes, valuation processes by implement Building Control System and Valuation System from eLA2 respectively to streamline the core business processes of MCC.

    4.9.2.     Develop mobile access solution to sharing of financial and accounting, HR, Rates and license information, and leave application.  This enable MCC officers to have mobile access to sharing of information, leave application and approval.

    4.9.3.     Provide dashboard on the relevant information to facilitate management of operations and decision-making.

    4.10.       Command Centre

    4.10.1.  A Command Centre, also known as a situation room, centralizes the monitoring, controlling, and commanding of selected key operations of MCC's.  This Command Centre will enable MCC to manage the safety and surveillance of the selected areas of Miri City and selected Parks and at the same time host Smart Solutions for city's Municipal operations.